Civil Trial Attorneys and Advocates
Trial Attorney
​Thomas A. Nash, Jr. (Tom), is an experienced trial attorney with over 35 years of achieving successful results in personal injury, wrongful death, and commercial cases. In addition, he has experience in a wide range of civil cases, including disputes involving estates, contracts, leases, and corporations. This experience enables us to meet the vast majority of our clients' legal needs. Mr. Nash is supported by a staff with the
​litigation experience and expertise necessary to maximize results for our clients.
We have recovered millions of dollars in personal injury claims for those who are injured and wrongful death claims for the families of those who have lost loved ones in automobile and truck accidents, falls and injuries in stores and offices, and other accidents. We have successfully represented individuals and companies in commerical litigation, contract and lease disputes, contested estates, and contested property issues.
Contact Us
Savannah Office
Nash Law Firm, P.C.
340 Eisenhower Drive
Suite 800
Savannah, Georgia 31406-1611
Advice and Information

Choosing an Attorney
...is an important decision and should not be based on advertising or claims of great results. This important relationship should be a careful decision made after seeking the recommendation of friends or associates, and a personal conference with one or more reputable attorneys who practice in the area of law which your case involves. Most reputable personal injury attorneys base their fee on results, not an hourly rate. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your case with you.

If you are in an Accident
...first, seek proper medical treatment for any injured persons, including yourself. It is important to remember that you have been through a traumatic event. Do not make any rash statements concerning fault, your physical condition, or other details of the accident. If possible, take photographs of the scene, all the vehicles involved, and as soon as possible, of any visible injuries. Do not talk with or sign any document for an insurance adjuster without first seeking the advice or a reputable attorney.